Tyler's Home Designs

Building Materials
1 Bedroom Flats
2 bedrooms
3 Bedroom and up
Prized Collection
High Design Houses
Downtown Lots
Vacation Lots

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Tyler's Home Designs. Above are the links to the different sections on the site. If you've got something to tell me then drop me a line in the Contact Section at the bottem. So go ahead...what are you waiting for? Check it out!

 Hey yall. What's going on? Well I've once again...changed my websites look. I think i'm happy with it now. What do you think? I want your opinion. E-mail me in the feedback section down at the bottem and tell me what you think of my site. Also you are welcome to send me requests on types of houses, malls ect. that you'd like to see posted. Remember to give me your e-mail address when you type me the e-mail otherwise i wont know who to e-mail back.  
I've added 2 new houses in the 3 bedrooms and up section. And I've added 2 special houses in high design.  They are part of my new "Creativity" Collection. The two new houses are titled "Creativity--Inpiration" and "Creativity--Imagination" They are definatly worth a look. So check em out.



You'll never find a house like this anywhere else! OpTiKaL is the brother house of The Vision. The house sits in a "pit" cut deep into the ground. It sounds bad but looks great!  The house consists of two sections connected by a long glass hallway.  The perfect party house with a totally different look .Everything is open and furnished with contemporary decorations, floor, and furniture. Looking for modern? The choice is clear...This is OpTiKaL.

Also, Check out some of these great sites!




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All material herein Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003

Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003