Tyler's Home Designs


Building Materials
1 Bedroom Flats
2 bedrooms
3 Bedroom and up
Prized Collection
High Design Houses
Downtown Lots
Vacation Lots

Studio's to build superstars in!

Astral Entertainment Studios

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Olympian Entertainment

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@stral Entertainment Studios is THE #1 studio in Sim City. I wouldn't come here until you've at least mastered the kareoke stage. It's where all the top dog's go. All the top name's in modeling, music, filming, and fashion merchandising are sprawled across this huge studio right in the center of studio town!
  1. Exalt Records
  2. wRiChTeR films
  3. Neilson Craig Modeling
  4. Hollywood & Harris Apparel
  5. Turbulance Music Entertainment

Olympian Entertainment is a mini studio that has quite a bit to offer. It features Fashion, music, and acting all crammed into one tiny section.
  • Model Run-way
  • Music video recording studio
  • 1 in-operation and 1 shut down movie set.
  • 2 Recording booths
  • Everything is close!

All material herein Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003

Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003