Tyler's Home Designs

ATTENTION! Read this first!
Building Materials
1 Bedroom Flats
2 bedrooms
3 Bedroom and up
Prized Collection
High Design Houses
Downtown Lots
Vacation Lots

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Due to the fact that you probobly do not have all of the downloads and/or expansion packs that i used to decorate my houses, some of the objects within may be missing. Please exuse that, as i only put them up for download so that you could have the house not the objects. However, you can download some of the objects that I used to actually BUILD the houses that i downloaded from other sites. (with their name on it and website link of course) So be sure to check out the building materials section of the site too! 
Note all houses will work with all or no expansion packs. Be sure to see if the house has a specification under it. If it does...then be sure that you have up to that expansion pack, or the house wont work.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this. Just for doing so, if you will e-mail me i will send you a house called Pure Beauty that is not featured on my site. It is very special to me and because of this reason it isn't posted. It is a huge house that one of my superstars lives in and its picture is in the high design section. thanks again.

If by chance you decide to e-mail me in the feedback section...please remember to GIVE ME YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS that you'd like me to reply to if you send a message taht you'd like a personal reply to. If you dont give me your e-mail address then i will not be able to contact you. Thanks a lot!

Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003