Tyler's Home Designs

Read the magical legend behind the house
Building Materials
1 Bedroom Flats
2 bedrooms
3 Bedroom and up
Prized Collection
High Design Houses
Downtown Lots
Vacation Lots

And you thought it was only a house...

Jason Spears was an aspiring young actor when he decided to buy an old manor along Cliffside Road. Everytime fall rolled around...magic seemed to fill the air, the time was there and it felt as if witches and goblins were afoot. But they are all just make believe...weren't they? Buy Jason found out otherwise when he discovered...fall magic. You see, his house was built upon magic ground and many many magic folk have lived and died in the old manor in past years. Jason began getting intrested in this "magic stuff". And as he did a spell was set forth upon the house, as it always was whenever a magical being inhabited the house. The spell was of Fall Magic. It stayed fall forever at that house. Or at least for a lifetime. The will wear off after 100 years has past. Until the next magical being inhabits the manor. Jason Spears was no longer the aspiring actor he used to be. After getting involved with his magic side he no longer had time for such things as work. But thats not to say that stardom was over for Jason. After he basically faded from normal human existance to everyone else, he cast a charm to make him famous one-last-time. He knew that his time was coming so he made his mark in the superstar world so that people would always remember him. After this small famous state he was drawn into battle by the evil sorcerer Lesotho and I'm afraid he didn't make it...

Leaving many of his possessions and magical items that had grown on his land while he was involved with magic to the next owner of the house, his spirit is far from gone... Still on the windiest night they say, when the wind is in the trees, when the moon is a ghostly gallion just upon the cloudy seas, when the road is a ribbon of moonlight, over the purple moore, Jasonwick Rand Spears comes to seek the next person who has discovered... Fall Magic....

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Tyler Norman Home Designing© '2003